New York City skyline at night


Spring 2008



Daylight Savings, Lucky Hours
Martin Mitchell, Guest Editor

The poetry section of this issue is dedicated, in loving memory, to Sarah Hannah (1966-2007), colleague and friend, who took her own life towards the end of last May, just short of her 41st birthday and a few months before the publication, by Tupelo Press, of her second book, Inflorescence. The section begins with poems written for Sarah by her Columbia professor, Colette Inez; by her close friend Rachel Wetzsteon; and by an admirer, Alison Woods, and continues with three hitherto unpublished poems by her. We hope that readers will be prompted to look further at her remarkable work, so full of joy and promise. The bulk of this poetry section consists of work by various poets writing in America today (three of them settled or based here; see bios), representing a range of styles but all essentially lyric/narrative; the poems appear in the alphabetical order of their authors' names.

For Sarah Hannah
Colette Inez

May Poles
Rachel Wetzsteon

Alison Woods

Bright Leaves
Sarah Hannah

Early Meadow Rue
Sarah Hannah

Coin, Byzantine Empire, A.D. 610-641
Sarah Hannah

Dick Allen

The Bridegroom's Pantoum
Dick Allen

Rubbing the Penis with Ginger and Honey
Clifford Browder

The Man Who Has Never Owned a Dog Pets a Dog
Suzanne Cleary

Strong Bikini
Suzanne Cleary

Of the North
Anne Coray

Anne Coray

To Those Who Stayed
Greg Delanty

Greg Delanty

The Beggar's Hands
Evelyn Duncan

Standard Time
Graham Duncan

Notes for a Self-Portrait
Graham Duncan

Beyond Foreign Policy
Allen C. Fischer

Eamon Grennan

Vermeer's Reader
Eamon Grennan

Gabrielle LeMay

Gabrielle LeMay

Kate Light

For the Simpler Things
Kate Light

One Day Beside the Delaware
Deena Linett

Night Birding, Trinidad
Gardner McFall

Railroad Flat
Samuel Menashe

The Logic of Loss
Philip Miller

In the Back of My Mind
Philip Miller

The Living Will
D. Nurkse

The Milk of Human Kindness
Marie Ponsot

Ars Poetica
Holly Posner

Still Life with Metaphysics
Holly Posner

The Path of Vanishing
Ron Price

Bertha Rogers

Red Cotton
Charlie Smith

Rhymes and Songs
Charlie Smith

Geese Flying North in October
Stephen Stepanchev

A Soldier Speaks
Stephen Stepanchev

Going Blind
Mervyn Taylor

After a Rainstorm
Robert Wrigley

Robert Wrigley

Broken Glass
Michael T. Young

Michael T. Young