New York City skyline at night




Utterance and Hum: The Difference Between Poem and Song
—A Self-Interview
by David Francis

Guitarist, Robert Dunn

Robert Dunn

Q: Give an example of an artist who is known for his poetry and his songwriting.

A: Leonard Cohen. I prefer his songs because his melodies add a lot, so it's a more rich experience.

Q: Wouldn't that generally be true?

A: Not necessarily... Read Article







"Verse Rooted Like a Tree"
The Cumbrian Poetry of Norman Nicholson
by David Boyd

Norman Nicholson Collected Poems Book

Norman Nicholson's intellectual and literary talent soared far beyond the isolated iron-smelting town in which he lived for most of his life: An accomplished English prose writer and journalist he developed into arguably the best poet from the Lake District of England since Wordsworth... 
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