![]() nycBigCityLitTM.com the rivers of it, abridged a p h i l o p h o n e m aTM affiliate [Self-]Listings / June [We expect to automate this feature. Meanwhile, listings are still low-tech and labor-intensive. Send in this format to editors@nycBigCityLit.com by the 20th. Query regarding ad space. Ed.] Some special events this month: 01-03 Fri-Sun 6 p.m.-1 a.m. Sixth Annual Lower East Side Festival of the Arts at Theater for the New City, Some two dozen performers presenting a wide range of work, including music, theatre, dance, comedy and spoken word. 155 1st Ave at 10th St. (212) 254-1109. 02 Sat 2 p.m. Free. Beowulf: Bertha Rogers reads from and discusses her new, illustrated translation. [See Review, this issue. Ed.] Jefferson Market Branch of the NY Public Library, 425 Ave/Americas at 10th St. Also opening: Rogers's interdisciplinary Beowulf art exhibit at the branch. Library hours: Mon&Wed,12-8; Tues&Fri 12 -6; Sat&Sun, 10-5. Info: Michael Bryant (212) 243-4334. 05 Tues 7:00 p.m. $6 Benefit performance of "Kid Lucky" with Paul Skiff, internationally known spoken word artist and co-producer of the seminal recording, "Nuyorican Symphony." Video by David Bryant. Proceeds benefit Tribes Magazine. Nuyorican Poets Café, 236 E 3rd St (Av B/C). 08 Fri 8:00 p.m. $15 Opera: Nosferatu. Music by Alva Henderson, Libretto by Dana Gioia. West Chester University, Asplundh Concert Hall, West Chester, PA. (610) 436-2266. poetry@wcupa.edu. ($10 Seniors/$5 Students). 09 9:30 p.m. $7 The Animated neck & stars: puppetry and music, including, "Pong Live", by Tom Devaney and Edwin Torres. Music by Krakatoa & The Fourth Dimension. 114 Forest St, Bushwick, Bklyn. (L train to Morgan, BQE to Flushing Exit.) (718) 855-4969. 11 6:30 p.m. Sixth Annual Poets House Brooklyn Bridge Poetry Walk: Billy Collins, Galway Kinnell, Tracie Morris, Naomi Shihab Nye. Host: Bob Holman. http://poetshouse.org/joinbridge.htm (212) 431-7920. 15 Fri 6:30 p.m. Free. 'Only the Dead' (...have seen the end of war. -- Plato). Big City LitTM records its June poetry feature, whose contributors include Yusef Komunyakaa, W.D. Ehrhart, Marc Levy, Richard Levine, Ron Price, Tom Catterson, Linh Dinh, and many others. Jazz violinist and vet, Billy Bang, Walker, Vito Ricci and others make music. Photos by Allen Baillie; sculpture by Darlene Nguyen. Housing Works Used Books & Café, 126 Crosby (BDF to B'way/Lafayette) (212) 334-3324. Musical improvisation and poetry open mic precede event. Info: (212) 864-2823 and www.nycBigCityLit.com. 16 Sat (Evening) Bluestocking's 2nd Anniversary Birthday Party. This women's bookstore and café runs one of the liveliest, most diversified event schedules in the city. 172 Allen St (at Stanton/ F train to 2nd Av) (212) 777-6028 www.bluestockings.com (info@) [Order: NYC regular series, NYC single events; Upstream regular series, single events. Ed.] NYC Regular Series: ABC-NoRio Sundays at 3 p.m. $3 156 Rivington St Feature + Open Hosts: J. D. Rage, Bob Hart, Carl Herr, Peter Kerns and Bruce Weber Info: (718) 638-7039 / www.abcnorio.org Albany & Upstate [See "Upstream"] Aviatrix Reading Series Flying Bridge Community Arts Ctr 522 Court St Brooklyn (F train to Smith/9th St) June 07 7:30 p.m. Jackie Sheeler Back Fence Sundays at 3:15 p.m. One drink min. 155 Bleecker St (at Sullivan) (212) 475-9221 Feature(s) + open. Host: Brigid Murnaghan 03 Poet Peter Chelnik with Bob Feldman (tenor sax): "East Coast Beatific Poetry Jazz Delight" / Ray Garguliki 17 Jonathan Clark / Pat Morimanda 24 Poet to Poet Baggot Inn, Unnamable Poetry Reading [See Series on Series, January 2001 issue. Ed.] Saturdays at 3 p.m. unless o/w noted. $5 ($2 discount on first drink.) Free for listeners. 85 W 3rd St (Sullivan/Thompson) (212) 477-0622 Info: (718) 499-4517 (http://www.baggotinn.com) Feature(s) + open. Curators: Steve Bennett / David Mark Speer [The series may be unnamable, but there's no end to the ingenuity its curators bring to naming the weekly sessions. Ed.] <Series is on summer break.> Bluestockings Women's Bookstore and Café 172 Allen St (at Stanton/ F train to 2nd Av) Events begin at 7 p.m. and are free unless o/w noted. (212) 777-6028 / fax: 777-6042 www.bluestockings.com (info@) Contact: Mick Walsh June 02 Sat The Radical Women read from Radical Women Manifesto a how-to guide to running a bare-bones organization. 03 Sun 4:00 p.m. Quebec feminist and lesbian author Nicole Brossard reads from her novels Mauve Desert and Under Tongue. 04 Mon Queer slam champion Alix Olson performs her politically charged poetry 05 Tues Amnesty International 06 Wed Book Reading. Lavon Morris-Grant, Whom Shall I Fear: A Spiritual Journey of a Battered Woman and Curie Nova, The Sight of the Lord. 07 Thurs Poets Melissa Kirsch / T'ai Freedom Ford. 08 Fri Young Adult Reading with author Patty McCormick (Cut). 12 Tues Vocalist Val Trout 14 Thurs Barbara Kahn, one-woman play, "Cyma's Story" (Jewish lesbian experience in Wyoming). 15 Fri Blue Action Monthly series and discussion 16 Sat 11:30-2:00 p.m. Lower East Side Girls Club 16 Sat (Time TBA) Bluestocking's 2nd Anniversary Birthday Party. 17 Sun Film Screening: A Clear Road to Birth produced and edited by Judy Seaman. A documentary about women who give birth with no medical assistance at all. 19 Tues $3 FilmOn Dream Girls: Documentary treats the contradictions in gender and sexual identity experienced by Japanese women by examining the Takaruzake Revue theatre company. 20 Wed Music: Muriel Vergnaud, flutist/composer and cellist Julia Biber. 21 Thurs Katha Pollitt, award-winning writer for The Nation reads from her new book Subject to Debate. 22 Fri Readings by various New York queer zine authors/editors 23 Sat Poet Thea Hillman reads from Depending on the Light 26 Tues Women's Open Mic Poetry, hosted by Vittoria repetto. 8-minute limit, sign-up 7 p.m. Features: Sue Scheid and poet Karen Hurley. 27 Wed Acoustic singer/songwriters. Sign-up 6:45 p.m. Features: Len Shankman / Cheryl Skye 28 Thurs Esther Newton reads from her new novel, Margaret Mead Made Me Gay. 29 Fri Open book discussion: Zadie Smith's White Teeth 30 Sat Lousie A. Blum, You’re Not From Around Here, Are You? and Nancy Abrams, The Other Mother: A Lesbian’s Fight For Her Daughter. Book-signing follows. Caffè Taci 2841 Broadway (110th Street) Venue for most BigCity LitTM mid-monthly recording sessions. Spacious, high-ceilinged Tuscan ambience, succulent food, live opera on weekends. Info: (212) 864-2823. CBGB's Gallery 303 Bowery 982-4052 CCS Reading Series Sundays at 3:00 p.m. $7.00 suggested, $5.00 students, seniors. Civic Center Synagogue, 49 White Street, NYC. 3 blocks below Canal, between Church / B'way. Founding Executive Director: Martha Rhodes Director: Soraya Shalforoosh Program Assistants: Patrick Donnelly / Cathy McArthur <Series is on Summer break.> Center for Book Arts, Phoenix Reading Series Thursdays at 7 p.m. unless o/w noted. $3 contribution. 28 W 27th St 3rd Floor Info: (212) 264-4792 (mvidibor@home.com) Feature(s) + open. Curators: Marlene Vidibor and Michael Graves June03 $5 Benefit for the Center for Book Arts. Several CBA poets read from their recent work. Limited edition broadsides designed and letterpress-printed at CBA, will be sold to benefit The Center. www.centerforbookarts.org Cooper Union 51 Astor Place Cornelia Street Café [See Series on Series, February 2001 issue. Ed.] Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 6 p.m. unless o/w noted. $6 (first drink free) 29 Cornelia St (Bleecker/W 4th) (212) 989-9319 (www.corneliastreetcafe.com) Features only except Fridays. Curator: Angelo Verga Friday night open (Pink Pony West) curators: Maggie Balistreri and Jackie Sheeler (Feature at 7:45.) Info: www.poetz.com June03 JULIO MARZAN, DOUG DORPH, ANNIE CHU 06 CHRIS BRANDT, BILL HUHN, TAYLOR MALI 10 SUZANNE FRISCHKORN, ANGELO VERGA, HUGH SEIDMAN, TERESE SVOBODA 13 STELLA PADNOS PRESENTS "YOUNGER" POETS 17 KAREN ZUSMAN, NANCY MERCADO, KIM WHITE 20 PRUDENCE HOLMES, JENNY BADMAN, plus OPEN 21 DANNY SHOT'S LONG SHOT MAGAZINE RELEASE PARTY 24 RACHEL LEVITSKY, BRENDAN LORBER, MAUREEN OWEN 27 ERIC GAMALINDA, MICHAEL BURKARD, SUZANNE WISE Pink Pony at Cornelia (Fridays) June 01 - Sarah Cortez (How to Undress a Cop) 08 Meagan Brothers, poet/comic 15 Vincent Toro & Juxtapose 22 Thea Hillman, poet, novelist and slam champ from San Francisco 29 Ken Thompson, music The Drawing Center 35 Wooster St (212) 219-2166 Ear Inn Saturdays at 3 p.m. unless o/w noted. Free. 326 Spring St (west of Greenwich) Info: Michael Broder (212) 246-5074 Exoterica [See Series Review, March 2001 issue.] The Society for Ethical Culture 4450 Fieldston Rd (Riverdale, Bronx) 3 p.m. Feature(s) + open. Director: Rick Pernod Info: (718) 549-5192 (wubbies@earthlink.net) Calendar of events: http://members.aol.com/exoterica June 03 Sun 11 a.m. "A Conversation Between Poetry and Music," Barry Wallenstein and jazz great John Hicks celebrate the release of their latest CD collaboration, "A Measure of Conduct." Info: (718) 548-4445 Fourteenth (14th) Street Y [See Series on Series, December 2000 issue. Ed.] 344 E 14th St (1st Ave) (212) 780-0800 x 255 Director: Wendy Sabin-Laker Poet-in-Residence: Veronica Golos June 07, 7 p.m, $7 Open As You Make It! A Gathering of the Tribes (See "Tribes") Housing Works Used Books & Café 126 Crosby St (B'way/Lafayette, Houston/Prince) (212) 334-3324 www.housingworksubc.com June 13 7:00 Gerard Nicosia: Vietnam War author. 15 Fri 6:30 p.m. Free. 'Only the Dead' (...have seen the end of war. -- Plato). Big City LitTM records its June poetry feature, whose contributors include Yusef Komunyakaa, W.D. Ehrhart, Marc Levy, Richard Levine, Ron Price, Tom Catterson, Linh Dinh, and many others. Jazz violinist and vet, Billy Bang, Walker, Vito Ricci and others make music. Photos by Allen Baillie; sculpture by Darlene Nguyen. Housing Works Used Books & Café, 126 Crosby (BDF to B'way/Lafayette) (212) 334-3324. Musical improvisation and poetry open mic precede event. Info: (212) 864-2823 and www.nycBigCityLit.com. Hunter College 68th St / Lexington Av 8th Floor Faculty Lounge (212) 772-5164 Host: Elena Georgiou KGB Bar ['Degrees of Apprenticeship' MFA series poets (Brooklyn College) recorded live 12/18. See Audio/CD. Ed.] Mondays at 7:30 p.m., unless o/w noted. Free. 85 E 4th St (212) 505-3360 Features only. Curators: Star Black and David Lehman 05 Tues 7:00 Free. Melanie Rae Thon, Granta magazine. Info: (212) 734-5134; rmorse@morse-partners.com. The Kitchen 519 W 19th St Info: (212) 255-5793, ext. 11 Various theatrical performances and readings. Call for schedule. [See review of Edwin Torres's Gecko Suite in March 2001 issue. Ed.] The Knitting Factory Saturdays at 6 p.m. unless o/w noted. $5 74 Leonard St (IRT 1 or 9 to Franklin St) Feature(s) + open. Host: Yictove June 02 - Pat Dasko 09 - Ice 16 - Jonathan Winell 23 - Eric Richmond 30 - Jeanette Korova Milk Bar (See "Milk Bar") Libraries in The New York Public Library System 02 Sat 2 p.m. Free. Jefferson Market Branch. Beowulf: Bertha Rogers reads from and discusses her new, illustrated translation. [See Review, this issue. Ed.] 425 Ave/Americas at 10th St. Also opening: Rogers's interdisciplinary Beowulf art exhibit at the branch. Library hours: Mon&Wed,12-8; Tues&Fri 12 -6; Sat&Sun, 10-5. Info: Michael Bryant (212) 243-4334. 02 Sat 2:30 p.m. Poetry in the Branches Open. New Dorp Branch Library, 309 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island. Host: Maria Mazziotti Gillan. Info: (718) 351-2977. 09 Sat 2 p.m. Poetry in the Branches: Michael Warr / Naomi Shiba Nye. 96th St Branch, 112 E 96th. (212) 289-0908. Makor [See Series Review, January 2001 issue. Ed.] 35 W 67th St (Lincoln Ctr) (212) 601-1037 (www.makor.org) Eve Grubin, Poetry Series Curator (eve.grubin@makor.org) June 06 Wed 7:30 $8 The Road to Fez. Jointly sponsored with Sephardic House. Poet and fiction writer Ruth Knafo Setton, author of the new novel, The Road to Fez, and musician and composer Yoel Ben-Simhon, cross borders to explore desire and memory in Sephardic culture. 07 Thurs 7:30 p.m. $5 Word of Mouth Thursdays: Open mike night hosted by Alix Strauss. 5-7 minutes of fiction. Eight readers will take to the stage. Q&A will follow. Contact Elliott Rabin at 601-1030. Multiple Sessions: 07 Thurs 7:00-8:30 p.m. Four Thursdays in June: 07, 14, 21, 28, four in July: 05, 12, 19, 26. Poetry Writing and Reading Workshop Instructor: Eve Grubin. $60 for four sessions; $120 for eight. 26 7:30 Free. Book Discussion Group: The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, a lady in the Heian court of 11th Japan, wrote the world's first novel, a lively and nuanced portrait of a refined society where every dalliance is an act of political consequence, a play of characters whose inner lives are as rich and changeable as those imagined by Proust. Manitoba's Proletkult Poetry Circus Feature + open. Events begin at 7 unless o/w noted. $5 Ave B/ 7th St Info: (212) 459-2653 (magdalena@poetic.com) Milk Bar (Korova Milk Bar) 200 Avenue A (at 12th St) Events at 7:30 unless o/w noted. $2 (one drink min.) Info: (718) 389-2666 Monthly reading Moroccan Star Sundays at 1 p.m. $3 min. + $3 contribution 205 Atlantic Ave (Brooklyn Heights) Feature(s) + open. Hosts: Evie Ivy and Tom Oleszczuk Info: (718) 789-3943 Museums Bronx Museum 1040 Grand Concourse (165th St) (718) 681-6000 Brooklyn Museum of Art 200 Eastern Pkwy June 02 Sat 5-11 p.m. Sarah Jones Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Ave (88th St) (212) 423-3587 June 03 Sun $15 "The Brave New World" Mixed and new media work by poets Stephanie Strickland and Camille Utterbach. Host: Anna Rabinowitz (Commentary) Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue (212) 570-3807 June 21 Thurs 7 p.m. $25 William Blake: Patti Smith, Oliver Ray. (570-3949) Museum of The City of New York 09 Saturday 2-4:30 p.m. Reading for Bronx Accent by Lloyd Ultan & Barbara Unger readings by Ultan, Unger, Leonard Kriegel, Arlene Gross, and others. Bronx Accent is the winner of the 2000 New York Book Award for Borough History. The New York Historical Society 2 W 77th St www.nyhistory.org (212) 873-4300 June 06 6:30 Free. Rooftop Urban Storytellers. Co-sponsor Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage New Millennium (Series for the) The Lower East Side Ecology Center East 7 th St (B/C) (212) 260-6389 Open. Saturdays at 6 p.m. Free. Musicians welcome. Ninety-Second (92nd) Street Y [See Series Reviews, February 2001 issue. Ed.] 1395 Lexington Avenue (212) 415-5500 (http://www.92ndStY.org) June 19 Tues 8:00 The Pentagon Papers: Thirty Years Later Nuyorican Poets Cafè 236 E 3rd St (B/C) Wednesday/Friday Slams The NY Open Center 83 Spring St (www.opencenter.org) The Orange Bear 47 Murray Street. Poet to Poet Sundays at 4 p.m. unless o/w noted $3 + $3 minimum Info: 212.566.3705 MelindaLevokove@excite.com. Phoenix Reading Series (see Center for Book Arts) Pink Pony West Reading Series Fridays at 6 p.m. unless o/w noted. Cornelia Street Café (address, admission as above) Feature follows open at 7:45 p.m. Hosts: Jackie Sheeler and Maggie Balisteri Info: www.poetz.com (See listings under 'Cornelia Street.') Poetry Project, St. Mark's Church [See Series on Series, December 2000 issue. Ed.] Events cost $7 unless o/w noted. 131 E 10th St (2nd Ave) (212) 674-0910 (poproj@artomatic.com) Readings: Monday (8 p.m. open, 7:30 sign-up), Wednesday and Friday (8:00 or 10:30). Director: Ed Friedman / Program Coordinator: Tracy Blackmer Details: (http://www.poetryproject.com) June 01 Friday 10:30 p.m. "You Better Pay" - The Spring 2001 Workshop Reading featuring readers from the workshops of Larry Fagin, Prageeta Sharma, and Maureen Owen. Readers will include: Ruth Altmann, Lisa Attanasio, Hadara Bar-nadav, David Elsasser, Robert Elstein, George Green, Boni Joi Koelliker, Be LaRoe, Mindy Levokove, Amanda Lichtenberg, Marlene Lortev-Terwilliger, Lilla Lyon, Phyllis Middlebrooks, Jeanne Mischo, Susan Mills, Steffie Nelson, Rachael Nevins, Jason Notte, Kathleen O'Keefe, Karin Randolph, Evelyn Reilly, Goldalee Semel, Joanne Straley, Christina Strong, Melissa Tremblay, David Trinidad, Marcia Turk, and Bob Ward. [Poetry Project will close this month, and resume workshops and events in September.] Poets House Seminar center and library co-founded in 1985 by Stanley Kunitz (U.S. Poet Laureate). 72 Spring St Events are $7 / free for members unless o/w indicated. (212) 431-7920 (www.poetshouse.org) June 11 6:30 p.m. Sixth Annual Poets House Brooklyn Bridge Poetry Walk: Billy Collins, Galway Kinnell, Tracie Morris, Naomi Shihab Nye. Host: Bob Holman. http://poetshouse.org/joinbridge.htm (212) 431-7920. 13 Wed 6 p.m. Free Poems by Heart with Carol Conroy Posman Books Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m., unless o/w noted One University Pl (NE corner, Washington Sq) (212) 533-2665 Curator: Tom Padilla [Posman held its last reading in April and has closed. We expect to carry at least one article shortly on this well-loved bookstore. Ed.] Reading Between A & B 510 E 11th St Unless o/w noted, free readings are Mondays at 8. www.readAB.com Curators: Meghan Cleary / Jonathan Thirkield June 04 Frazier Russell / Jo Sarzotti / Elizabeth Tucker / Damian Van Denburgh 18 George Kalamaras / Griffin Hansbury / Toby Bochan / Octavio Gonzalez Saturn Series at Revival Bar [See Series on Series, March 2001 issue. Ed.] Mondays at 7:30 p.m., unless o/w noted. $3 donation. 129 E 15th St Feature(s) + Open Hosts: John Chism, Su Polo and William Duke (www.poetrycentral.com) Taci (see Caffè Taci) Teachers & Writers Collaborative 5 Union Square. Info: 212.691.6590; www.twc.org. A Gathering of the Tribes Sundays, 5-7 p.m., unless o/w noted. 285 E 3rd St (C/D) (212) 674-3778 (info@tribes.org) Fridays 7:30-9:30 $3 Stoop Poetry Workshop. Participants bring several copies of one poem. Sundays 5-7 p.m. $3 Feature(s) + open. http://www.tribes.org [Check web site for complete schedule. Ed.] June 07 Thur 6-9 p.m. Opening reception for "Daisy and Manifestations": Paintings, Drawings, and Watercolors by John Coppola. Exhibit closes June 30. 10 Sun Diep / Onome 15-17 Fri/Sat 10 p.m. (9 on Sun) $10 "The Body of Loretta", a 1-hour theater piece from "The Loretta Triology". 17 Corree Spencer / Bob Slaymaker 24 TBA The Underground Lounge 955 West End Ave (at 107th St) Open mic, Mondays at 8, hosted by the Freestyle Family Orchestra. www.freestylefamily.com Unnamable (See Baggot Inn) Urbana Sundays at 7 p.m., unless o/w noted. $5 CBGB's Gallery 313 Bowery (Bleecker) (www.cbgb.com/slamschedule.html) The West End Bar 2911 Broadway (113/114th Sts) (212) 662-8830 Open: First Sunday of the month, 8 p.m. Universal Spectrum Series: hiphop / poetry/ folk vocals / jazz / storytelling Host: Zander Wordsmiths@Halcyon 227 Smith St., Brooklyn Thursdays at 7:30. Free. Sponsored by: Marisa Simon Info: (718) 260-9299 wordsmiths@halcyonline.com. NYC Single Events: 01-03 Fri-Sun 6 p.m.-1 a.m. Sixth Annual Lower East Side Festival of the Arts at Theater for the New City, Some two dozen performers presenting a wide range of work, including music, theatre, dance, comedy and spoken word. 155 1st Ave at 10th St. (212) 254-1109. 05 7:00 p.m. $6 Benefit performance of "Kid Lucky" with Paul Skiff, internationally known spoken word artist and co-producer of the seminal recording, Nuyorican Symphony. Video by David Bryant. Proceeds benefit Tribes Magazine. Nuyorican Poets Café, 236 E 3rd St (Av B/C). 08 Fri 8:00 p.m. $15 Opera: Nosferatu. Music by Alva Henderson, Libretto by Dana Gioia. West Chester University, Asplundh Concert Hall, West Chester, PA. (610) 436-2266. poetry@wcupa.edu. ($10 Seniors/$5 Students). 09 9:30 p.m. $7 The Animated neck & stars: puppetry and music, including, "Pong Live", by Tom Devaney and Edwin Torres. Music by Krakatoa & The Fourth Dimension. 114 Forest St, Bushwick, Bklyn. (L train to Morgan, BQE to Flushing Exit.) (718) 855-4969. 11 6:30 p.m. Sixth Annual Poets House Brooklyn Bridge Poetry Walk: Billy Collins, Galway Kinnell, Tracie Morris, Naomi Shihab Nye. Host: Bob Holman. http://poetshouse.org/joinbridge.htm (212) 431-7920. Long Island 09 6:00 p.m. Free. Daniela Gioseffi. Canio's Book Store, 290 Main Street, Sag Harbor, NY. Info: (631) 725-4926. * * * Upstream (Albany & Upstate) (Questions re Albany: wilcox23@juno.com) June 01 [Every Fri] - "Urban Guerilla Theater" open mic, 9PM, Mason Hall, 120 Madison Ave., Albany 07 [1st Monday] - Open Mic, 7:00 PM, Mocatopia Coffee House, Lark St., Albany 06 [Every Wed] - Open Mic for musicians & poets, 9PM, Lark Tavern, Madison Ave., Albany 06 [1st Wed] - Open Mic for musicians & poets, 7:00 PM, MotherEarth's Cafe, Quail & Western, Albany 13 [2nd Wed.] - "Alchemy of the Word" Open Mic & feature (Dan Wilcox), Lionheart, Lark St., Albany, 7:30PM 10 [2nd Thurs.] - "Soul Kitchen" Open mic at Clayton's Caribbean Restaurant, 244 Washington Ave., Albany, 8PM 10 [2nd Sun.] - Saratoga Poetry Zone, open mic, Saratoga Springs Public Library, Saratoga Springs, 3PM 16 Sat 8 p.m. $3 Charlie Rossiter / Michele Battiste / Sean Thomas Dougherty at Changing Spaces Gallery, 306 Hudson Ave (Lark/Dove) Albany 18 [3rd Tues.] - Open mic, Colonie Town Library, 629 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville, 7PM 23 [3rd Sat.] - Terry Provost Feature & open mic, "Pete's Poets" at Arthur's Market, 35 N. Ferry St., Schenectady, 7:30 26 [Last Tues.] - "School of Night" open mic, Valentine's, 17 New Scotland Ave., Albany, 8:00 27 [Last Wed.] - "High Drama Poetry Society" Open Mic, Fuze Box, 13 Central Ave., Albany, 7PM Mid-Hudson Lower Hudson New Jersey Connecticut |