
The Hudson, viewed from the Palisades, northward to the Tappan Zee Bridge.
Yet no empty gust
Of passion find an utterance in thy lay,
A blast that whirls the dust
Along the howling street and dies away;
But feelings of calm power and mighty sweep,
Like currents journeying through the windless deep.
-- William Cullen Bryant ("The Poet", 1863)
Live Performances/Recording Sessions
Sunday, July 8, 6:00 Cornelia Street Café (29 Cornelia St, betw Bleecker & W 4th). Recording session for "The Dark" will be followed by "The Subterraneans: Kerouac and Kees." Readings from Kerouac's novel, plus other poetry and music. George Wallace, creator of the four-city, day-long marathon on Kerouac's Big Sur (July 22), will be among those appearing.
July-August: The magazine will offer various readings and workshops in the Catskill counties, including Albany and Greene, dates TBA.
Call for submissions:
7/15: The Kiss; The Hudson; Fairytales; Sci Fi; Amsterdam.
Ongoing: The Imaginary; The Desert; Confinement; Erotica.
Consult submissions page for guidelines.
In This Issue: July 2001
Reader response to the huge June issue, 'Only the Dead,' on the Vietnam War, was immediate, vast, sustained. The Housing Works audience was hushed and reflective. The editors, contributors, and hosts thank you for thereby honoring the drama and devotion of all whose lives were lost or recharted in Indochina.
Wartime-delayed to July, we present our Summer Solstice feature, 'The Dark.' Then, Big City Lit™ goes country! with poems from the Northern Catskill Watershed. Vicki Hudspith's three poems on the Hudson, fairytale pieces by Claudia Carlson (illustrated), and Dunn and Price on drive-in's complete the shift from serious to sanguine. This month's Twelve contributors ply water- and other bodies. The cumulative Big City, Little page adds four pieces on Dubrovnik and Croatia by Lynn Veach Sadler. On-site guest editor Stephen Cvengros inaugurates the Bridge City Lit / Amsterdam page next month.
In "How She Chose the Day," Meredith Sue Willis's unblinking gleam frames a dark elective, while Peter Markus combines primordial fealty with unnatural fire to locate place unerringly in night ("The Sky is an Old Lady with Fire in Her Cheeks").
The Loneliness of Weldon Kees (excerpt)
by Dana Gioia
I was homesick for San Francisco. For that sentimental, self-indulgent reason–and that reason alone–I read "Crime Club," the first poem in the Kees section. I intended to stop there.
Nordic White Nights of Love
by Petri Liukkonen
Nowadays, the highlights of Midsumer are sauna, dances and bonfire. All these small rites are basically a hopeful foreplay for vigorous love-making.
The Hudson: Crest and Canyon
From its source in tiny Lake Tear of the Clouds in the Adirondacks, it
extends over 320 miles to New York harbor, and thence into the 539-mile long,
15,000-foot deep Hudson River Canyon.
by Paul McDonald
Ron Whitehead's The Declaration of Independence This Time: Selected Poems 1996-2000
Paradoxically, [the book] achieves its strongest moments when the author is willing to lower his voice and go into his heart.
Ron Price's A Small Song Called Ash From the Fire
With these poems . . ., I kept reflecting on Shiva, the Hindu aspect of God as the destroyer, mercilessly burning away the dead, the illusion, the mask, and stripping reality to the bone. (PD)
In brief:
by Tim Scannell
Gordon Annand's You Write Your Life Like Fiction; Nathan Graziano's Seasons From The Second Floor; John Thomas's Feeding the Animal; Mike James's All Those Goodbyes
Reviews Reviewed (TS):
Alternative Press Review (Arlington, VA)
Off Our Backs (Washington, D.C.)
Poetry from the Body: An Interview with Ron Price
by Paul McDonald
What I learned from Etheridge Knight is what Whitman
had been trying to teach me all along. (RP)
Series on Series:
Prose in General at Art in General (Tribeca)
Series/Event Reviews:
6/16-17 Annual Clearwater Festival (Croton-on-Hudson)
5/17 2nd Annual Int'l River Network Conference: San Francisco
"The Poetry and Politics of Rivers" (Feature: Gary Snyder)
by Julie Tsai
6/6-9 7th Annual Poetry Conference on Form & Narrative
by Rob Wright
Free Expression:
On Hearing
by James Ragan
The images of "East Coker" and the "Purgatorio" raged within our senses as we stared down increduously to the street where police were building barricades, and students, soaking eyes with towels to soothe the pepper spray, were lobbing back spent canisters.
The First Amendment and Other Origins of Free Prattle
by Maureen Holm, Senior Essayist
Freedom of speech is the compensation demanded by those who want to avoid thinking. -- Søren Kierkegaard
Legal Forum:
The U.S. Supreme Court holds for the freelance writer: New York Times v. Tasini.
Print Series:
Pending the load of a complete listing, please query regarding availability of monograph reprints of work appearing in June's Vietnam and other issues.
Other Arts:
Theatre: David Auburn's Proof, reviewed by Paul Camillus
~ . ~ The magazine is intended to be read in Palatino. ~ . ~