
Photo: © 2001 Margo Berdeshevsky (margomargo1@hotmail.com) > ~ > ~ >More from Slovakia
Live Performances/Recording Sessions
Watch for the print version release of Big City Lit's collection for 2001.
Sun, Jan 13, 6:30 $5 Nicholas Johnson and Jeanne Marie Beaumont feature for the Phoenix Series at the elegant Bar & Books, 636 Hudson St (Jane/Horatio).
Thurs, Jan 24, 7:30 $15, 12 Enid Dame (Lilith and her Demons, Home Planet News), inspiration for many of the contributors to the "Because They Did" feature (See Archive Jan'01), Veronica Golos and Jessica Stein appear, with the anticipated release of that feature's Print Series monograph, in Makor's "Poetry & Mentorship Series." 35 W 67th St. Reservations recommended. Call (212) 601-1030. (A 92nd St Y program center.)
Thurs, Mar 7, 7:00 Free Sarah Lawrence College, the third in our "Degrees of" series on MFA programs in the City, records at the KGB Bar. Tom Lux and a special guest join students, recent grads and faculty.
Thurs, Mar 14, 7:30 $15, 12 James Ragan, Maureen Holm, and Tobias Deehan appear in Makor's "Poetry & Mentorship" Series. 35 W 67th St. Reservations recommended. Call (212) 601-1030. (A 92nd St Y program center.)
Wed, Mar 27, 7:30 ($25, 22, 16) Lyric Recovery Festival at Carnegie Hall 2002. Call (212) 864-2823 for advance seating or Carnegie Charge (212) 247-7800 after February 20 (surcharge applies). James Ragan and William Wadsworth feature. Judge: Alfred Corn. Submission deadline: Mar 15. Top prize: $1000. Semifinal round held Mar 23, 4-7 p.m. at Poets House ($7).
Call for submissions:
(Note: List is not restrictive nor preclusive of other themes.)
9/11 and related events; Confinement (deadline: 01/15); Erotica; Poems on Paintings; Dramatic Monologues; Colors; Epigrams; Self-Portrait; Shoes (socks optional); Moving/Motion; Dust; Corridors; Father.
Consult submissions page for guidelines, masthead for policy, also Bridge City Lit
and Big City, Little pages. Query first on articles over 750 words.
In This Issue: January 2002
The Bookshelf is loaded and bids invited for
George Wallace's new novel, Down Dream Road.
In Prague, transplants from Los Angeles and elsewhere blossomed in soil tended last and every summer by Charles University poet-in-residence James Ragan through USC; their 18 varietals are arranged here, with commentary by Bridge City Lit contributing editor Viktor Tichy. This month's Twelve page features work by new contributing editor, Philip Miller. The cumulative Big City, Little page adds a piece on Chicago by Robert Klein Engler.
Fiction/Short Prose:
James Simpson's debut story, "Never Had It So Good," bears all the markings of promise in the human compromise. In "Another Tower" by Jeremy Schultz, a fire marshal still rages thirty years after 9/11. Lisette García's "Buzz Cut" slices through the government-issue valor propaganda about Desert Storm to the unsung ingenuity of real GI's. Chapter One of George Wallace's brand-new novel, Down Dream Road, begins with the bold at continent's end (See Bookshelf).
The Multiple Voices of the Lyric Color Wheel
Kaamos, The Period of Gloom
by Petri Liukkonen
In the northernmost part of Scandinavia the sun goes completely unseen for seven weeks. . . . This noontide-twilight has a soothing, bluish tone.
Grief Counseling the Families of WTC Victims (Part 2 of 2)
by Elaine Schwager, Ph.D.
I am here as a professional, but they know I am one of them, spinning from the impact of the same tragedy. . . . I have grappled for decades with the legacy of Holocaust trauma and loss in my own family. But I have never done this.
Ten Mile Meadow Project: A Conservatory of Land and Language (with photos).
National Arts Club
January 5, 2002 -- The quiet area around Gramercy Park looked like a scene from a crime movie yesterday, as city officials and the district attorney's office launched an early morning raid on the tony National Arts Club. (New York Post: Go to article)
January 19, 2002 -- Edgar Allen Poe's birthday is marked, as since 1949, with three roses and a half bottle of brandy. Go to article
Zine World: A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press
by Tim Scannell
Phillis Levin and The Sonnet, A 'Chamber of Sudden Change'
Series on Series:
Series/Event Reviews:
Sonnets: With Marilyn Hacker et al. (92 St Y, 12/10)
by Terry Stokes
Many Thousand Gone: African Diaspora Poets Read For Peace (Columbia, 12/12)
Jerome Rothenberg at 70 (Poetry Project, 12/12)
Poets House Book Sale (12/14-15) (photos)
Israeli Artists Day (Makor, 12/16)
by Alyssa A. Lappen
Sarah Rothenberg's Shadows and Fragments: Piano and Poetry (92 St Y, 12/17)
by Paul Winston
Something Understood: Sonnets with Phillis Levin, Billy Collins et al. (14 St Y, 12/20)
New Year's Day Marathon at Poetry Project (01/02)
by George Wallace et al.
Free Expression:
Osama's Cave Door: Open or Shut? or There's Dumb, and Then There's Dubya
Legal Forum:
Executive Order on Military Tribunals A Threat to Citizens' Rights Too
Print Series:
Pending the load of a complete listing, please query regarding availability of monograph reprints of work appearing in June's Vietnam and other issues.
We are preparing Big City Lit's collection for 2001.
Currently on the publisher bidding block is Down Dream Road, a brand-new novel by George Wallace, editor of The Long Island Quarterly and poetrybay.com.. Chapter One appears here.
The editors invite for publication well-written letters or speakeasy pieces on any topic of concern or interest to the magazine's readers. See Letters Page for length and other details.
Other Arts: Music
Schoenberg's Warning Against 'The Tyranny of Sixteenth Notes'
by Paul Winston
Poetry Chapbook:
The magazine invites submissions of 16-24 pages of (primarily) unpublished poems, including title page, table of contents, acknowledgments, and bio note. Format: MSW 98 or 95 TNR 12 (14 for titles; initial caps only). Send hard copy (separate page for each title, but not section) with disc, SA postcard, and $15 check or money order to Big City Lit, Contest/Poetry, Box 1141, Cathedral Sta. NY 10025. MSS not returned; all work considered for magazine publication. Postmark deadline: May 31, 2002. Winner and honorable mentions announced in August. Publication by Headwaters Press, NY, cash award, plus magazine-sponsored reading and awards presentation in New York.
Individual Poem:
Relevant guidelines, as above, apply. Fee: $5/poem.
Relevant guidelines, as above, apply. Fee: Shorts (to 1000 wds) $10; standard (to 3500) $15; long (6000 max.) $20. Awards and magazine publication in each length category. Unpublished manuscripts only.
~ . ~ The magazine is intended to be read in Palatino. ~ . ~
Note to contributors: To cite your work in the Archive,
indicate the month, e.g. Jun2001/contents/poetrydusk.html.
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