the rivers of it, abridged


Email: (paste only)

Postal address: Editors, Big City Lit™, Box 1141, Cathedral
Sta. NY 10025 USA

Consult the Statement of Editorial Policy (Masthead) before
submitting work or queries. Also note any current call for

Submissions Categories:
(Specify category in the subject line of submission or query, e.g. "Re: Submission,
Twelve"; "Re: Query, Article".)

Big City, Little
Bridge City Lit
Series on Series
Series Reviews
Free Expression
Legal Forum


The New York edition of the magazine typically solicits coherent, multi-
contributor compilations of 20-40 poems with accompanying introduction for a
specific, single-issue feature. Proposals for poetry feature compilations should
contain at least the following elements: name, contact info, and bio of guest
editor(s), title, brief description of theme or other unifying concept, contributor
names/works (to extent known), suggested recording venue, and advertisers.

Individual Works
The New York edition accepts unsolicited submissions of individual poems for
the Big City, Little (details appear on that page) and Twelve features only. The
key for Twelve is risk. There is no specific length limitation for that section, nor
are contributions limited to a single piece. We encourage multi-part poem cycles,
for instance.

The Bridge City Lit editions (Paris, etc.) also accept unsolicited submissions of
individual poems and short prose, especially work in the respective
corresponding language (French, Dutch, Spanish, etc.)

Formatting and Font
While field poetry may work well on the printed page, idiosyncratic formatting
is labor-intensive to reproduce on-line, often unsuccessful, and therefore
discouraged. A similar policy applies to arbitrary gaps and indentations. Our
font of choice is Palatino, 12 pt. for text, 14 pt. for title and author name.

Hypertext Literature
We are currently not equipped to publish significant amounts of hypertext
literature, but welcome queries about such works for future reference.

Preferred length is 500 to 2000 words. We favor skill in execution, artistic and
otherwise. Since use of language includes a mastery of punctuation, we reserve
discretion to reproduce only such authorial deviations from standard practice
which work to demonstrate that facility.
Space only once after periods.

Essays, Articles, etc.
Query first for pieces over 750 words. Shorter works may be sent in their
entirety, one at a time, by email paste.
Space only once after periods.

Artwork and Photographs
Artwork submissions should be sent by mail only, in any medium appropriate to
the piece, e.g. slides, color photocopies, laser prints, indicating the dimensions
and media used. Include SASE postage prepaid for return.

Current Call for Submissions

Theme: The Vietnam War
Length: 80 lines max. (poetry); 750 words max. (prose). Query first
regarding articles and essays.
Deadline: March 1, 2001

Theme: "The Dark"
Length: 60 lines max. (poetry); 500 words max. (prose)
Deadline: March 15, 2001