I waived my right to suicide
the night I realized
music makes heat waves,
keeps summer breathing
inside my wintering ears.
Now forty-four years
wave goodbye,
wave calendar pages
like hankies in the second line.
Time's crime wave
against necks, breasts,
minds rages on; still
I skinny dip in radio waves,
mortality glistening
on my singing skin.
(The Berkeley Poetry Review)
Your kiss —
white handkerchief
smeared with sunset —
tents my breath.
After so many
seasons struggled,
I inhale
the pink chloroform
of bliss.
Light pours down my
Open throat,
Neon sweet as Pixy Stix.
Give me a taste of your halo;
It's dim, but I bet it's delicious.
No one else here savors the fading — come on —
Give me a taste.
(San Pedro River Review)
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