the rivers of it, abridged

New York City skyline at night


Fall 2010



On Shinnecock Beach
by Carolyn L. Whittle

Photo by Carolyn L. Whittle

He lived in Southampton in a spectacular three-story gray shingled structure with striped awnings on every window overlooking the beach near Shinnecock Bay. The house commanded the dunes spiked with grass and the wide level sandy beach that met the sea. A twelve-foot wall of privet stood guard at the road, and the circular pink gravel driveway lined with roses crunched with frequent arrivals. From any vantage point it showed the world that he was rich, that he could afford the best.  Read Story


The Children's Army
by Patricia Eakins

The Children's Army

Mother is shameless, flaunting her breasts with their dark nipples, their aureoles the color of dried blood, feeding the legion babies in public. She suckles them then orders them to march. And though they have barely been able to crawl, they totter up onto soft, plump legs and waddle off, goose-stepping as best they can, burbling and cooing, dribbling and plopping into shreds that pass for diapers. Mother salutes as they toddle past, a ragged infant phalanx among other, equally ragged infant phalanxes, an army of tender hoplites sucking their thumbs.  Read Story