the rivers of it, abridged

New York City skyline at night


Fall 2008



David Francis Poems CD

David Francis  

Tracie Smart A World Away CD

Tracie Smart
  A World Away

Barry Wallenstein Pandemonium CD

Barry Wallenstein

Larissa Shmailo The No-Net World CD

Larissa Shmailo
  The No-Net World

Jeff Ciampa House of Mirrors CD

Jeff Ciampa
  House of Mirrors

Neal Haiduck Montreal Meets New York CD

Neal Haiduck
  Montreal Meets New York

David Francis Fake Valentine CD

David Francis  
Fake Valentine

Tracie Smart Echoes in the Dark CD

Tracie Smart
  Echoes in the Dark

Barry Wallenstein Euphoria Ripens CD

Barry Wallenstein
  Euphoria Ripens

Larissa Schmailo

Larissa Schmailo

Richard Buckner Meadow CD

Richard Buckner

Home to Henry Another Life CD

Home to Henry
  Another Life