News on rebuilding
Lower Manhattan
 July Newsstand
 Granted June 2002 |
 May '02 Feature: Poems on Paintings Artist: Pico Reinoso |
 Because They Did Jan '01 Feature Print Series Version
(Artist: C Yellowhawk) |
 House of Corners
by LyR 2002 winner, Bertha Rogers |
 Feb '02:
Confinement Photo: M Berdeshevky |


 Photo: © 2001 Margo Berdeshevsky
Islanders never think of isolation. The only border we have is the sea. When we come to the shore and look at the water, all we see is our own reflection. —Pablo Armando Fernandez
Live Performances/Recording Sessions/Radio Broadcasts
Watch for the print version release of Big City Lit's collection for 2001.
Th-Sun, Aug 8-11 "Big City Lit Goes Country!" Retreat on wooded 30-acre camp (cabins, showers, pond), with workshops, forums and a Meet the Composer session with jazz pianist/composer Paul Winston in North Greene and SW Albany Counties. Two hours from GW Bridge, 1/2 hour from Albany. Pick-up possible from Poughkeepsie (MetroNorth), Kingston (Greyhound) or Hudson (Amtrak). Registration by 8/4, payment by 8/6 ($75 all, $30/night).
Sun, Aug 18, 6:00 $6 "Enduring Revolution"—Recording session for contributors to this month's issue on Cuba at Cornelia Street Café, including Daniela Gioseffi, Angelo Verga, George Wallace, Gilberto Ron, and Pete Dolack (political synopsis). Special appearance by 12ing guitarist, David Francis. Program segments air 9/3 and 9/5, 6:00-6:30 p.m., on WNYE 91.5 FM. Admission includes free drink. 29 Cornelia St (212) 989-9319
Sat, Sep 11+3, 2:00-5:00 "By Degree 365: Change and Reclamation" The magazine and friends sponsor a major 9/11 event in the auditorium of the Museum of the City of New York, portions to air 9/19, 6:00, on WNYE 91.5 FM. Event preceded and followed by special outdoor aspects in the Conservancy Gardens in Central Park and along the north lake known as the Harlem Meer. 1220 Fifth Ave (104th St). Free with museum admission (suggested don. $7). Info: (212) 864-2823.
*Fri-Sun Sep 20-22 Autumnal Equinox retreat. Reg. by 9/15, payment by 9/18.
Call for submissions:
(Note: List is not restrictive nor preclusive of other themes.)
9/11 (esp. anniv./commemorative); Colors; Erotica; Dramatic Monologue
(poetry: e.g. "My Last Dutchess"); Epigrams; Self-Portrait; Moving/Motion; Dust; Corridors; Insects; Cemeteries; Smoking; Infanticide; Music; Japan; Montreal/Quebec (surtout francophone); Surrealism; Monsters/Monstrosity (also images); Timepieces; Kites.
Consult Submissions for guidelines,Masthead for editorial policy, also Bridge City Lit
and Big City, Little pages. Query first on articles over 750 words.
The magazine's Spring poetry/fiction contest brought a far-fetched response.
DEADLINE: 6/21 Results posted by mid-August.
In This Issue: August 2002
The July issue is available in a full-format newsstand version. [Orders/Locations]
This month's focus on Cuba features work by Pablo Armando Fernandez and Carilda Oliver Labra, translated and introduced by Daniela Gioseffi, alongside other Cuban poets and a special section,
'Enduring Revolution,'
of prose/poetry excerpts from the Havana journals of Terry Stokes (1985) and Angelo Verga (2001), all complemented by Key West poems from George Wallace. Our hand-picked Twelve page features Stephanie Dickinson, Andrew Glaze, Suzanne Burns, Scott Simpson, and Michael FitzGerald. The cumulative Big City, Little page adds pieces on Los Angeles (Brian P. Katz), Brooklyn (Alyssa A. Lappen), and Jaipur (William Borden).
Fiction/Short Prose:
Brian P. Katz produces writerly evidence that even if a Tonio Kröger kid grows up to look like Thomas Mann, internally he develops into Georg Büchner. "The Lion's Head" is the Information Martin Amis possessed, but can only wish he had written. Russell Griffin's "Screen Plays East" is a fast-paced, upside-downunder gambler's minute-manager treatise on competitive horses, cockroaches and bond issues. Leo Vanderpot spoofs the consumer fraud interview with "A Transcript of the Last Ten Minutes of Jim Lehrer's News Hour
How to Probe the Probable with Shameless Elasticity."
longer draughts (special section) 'Enduring Revolution'

Excerpts from the Havana journals of Terry Stokes (1985) and Angelo Verga (2001)
The Internal Outsider: Notes on the Writing of Exile
by Pablo Medina
Translating for Castro, 'Agricultural Leader with No Political Aspirations'
by Witold Kondracki
Photo Essay on Cuba from Doubletake Magazine
The Day They Shot Eleuga
by Manuel Menéndez
The queers were the ones who started the riot that gray Sunday dawn of December 24, 1965. Let it be said that they showed more guts than many of us "men," and in the moment of truth, not a single one of them chickened out.
From The Blacklisted Journalist
The Girls of Summer: Their Games
by Bertha Rogers (illustrated)
Odd that hopscotch is a girls' game. When it was originally invented, in ancient Britain during the early Roman Empire, it was a military exercise performed in full armor.
Socialism In One Country
Haven't We Had This Conversation Before?
by Pete Dolack
We might ask why a small island nation should be expected to provide for all its needs when no other country, not even the United States, does so.
Love Song to the Borgia: A Meditation on Coffee House Culture in Greenwich Village and Beyond
by Barbara Foster
A sublime melancholy immediately washed over me upon entering. . . . Worshipfully, I sat on wrought iron chairs that Beat backsides once massaged.
Ten Mile Meadow Project:
A Conservatory of Land and Language (with photos).
Xue Di's Flames: Poems on the Paintings of Van Gogh
Exiled in Providence: 'My Loneliness Is Like Crystal'
by Donald Finkel
Pablo Medina's Exiled Memories and The Return of Felix Nogara
Don't Call It Dreaming
by Maureen Holm
Notice It's Lo Cubano y la Poesía, not El Cubano: Writers Living the Nuance
Terry Stokes Talks to Nancy Morejón and César Lopez in Havana.
Other Arts: Theatre
One More for the Road: Concerning Last Call,Tom O'Neil's Kerouac
by George Wallace
Free Expression:
Political Jump Rope Rhymes
Wild Goose or Just Canard? : Alain Cornec Slaughters Lieberman's French Boycott and Dishes Him Confit
Long Island Poetry Collective Completes the Legislative Trope
Breaking the Fast Food Chain: Upper West Side Neighborhood United in Self-Determination
Many Sleepless Over Brooklyn Law School's Dormitory in the Sky
Report and Appeal from Alyssa A. Lappen
Legal Forum:
'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh Avoids Trial: Did He or Did His Accusers Cop a Plea?
Print Series:
With thanks for all of your orders by email query, we now offer a convenient listing and order form. You may still inquire about any Headwaters Print Series or monograph you don't see listed here by writing to us. Query Monographs of work appearing in the popular Jun '01 Vietnam issue are on back-order.
We are preparing Big City Lit's collection for 2001.
 Degrees of Apprenticeship: Sarah Lawrence mfa Collection Poetry (56 pp) or Prose (64 pp) $10 each (full color)
 Distance from the Tree poems on fathers (64 pp $10) (full color) Dana Gioia, Alice Notley, D. Nurkse, James Ragan, Ron Price et al.
(The editors invite for publication well-written letters or speakeasy pieces on any topic of concern or interest to the magazine's readers. See Letters Page for length, language, and other details.)
~ . ~ The magazine is intended to be read in Palatino, and preferably in Netscape. ~ . ~
Note to contributors: To cite your work in the Archive,
indicate the month, e.g. Jun2001/contents/poetrydusk.html.

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