
Preston Hollow (Albany Co.), NY
(Signs: 'One-lane bridge.' 'Dead end.')
A single way, there and back to . . . ?
Live Performances/Recording Sessions
On July 21, four of the editors performed Yeats and Wilde, joined by pipe and whistle at the Shamrock House in East Durham (Greene Co.) during the "33rd County's" annual Irish Arts Week, sponsored by the Michael J. Quill Irish Culture and Sports Centre. To support completion of the Irish village, buy a brick ($100).(Details at www.east-durham.org.)
The July issue, "Big City Lit Goes Country,"
is available in a 28-page, full-size print version.
August: The magazine offers a series of weekend writing workshops in the Catskill counties, especially southern Albany (Preston Hollow Bookstore) and northern Greene, and sponsors a retreat for working writers, Fri-Sun, 8/10-12. (Cabins, pines, pond. Email for details.) Ensemble Studio's Lexington Center for the Arts--also in Greene County. (See Other Arts).
September: The recording session for September's Asian American feature shifts to October (4th), at the loft of the Asian American Writers Workshop in Midtown.
Call for submissions:
Amsterdam;The Imaginary; The Desert; Confinement; Erotica; Poems on Paintings;
Dramatic Monologues; Colors.
Consult submissions page for guidelines.
In This Issue: August 2001
"If a kiss is no good, then nought avails." A cautionary from 13th-century champagnois trouvère, Colin Muset. How to draw one? Toronto artist Catherine Thompson does it knowingly, for a compilation that begins with Madeline Artenberg's "Second Kiss." Can a fox fall for an ocelot who fells a bear? In iambic pentameter maybe--a verse fable in one act. Robert Scott's cab driver outmaneuvers a queen's chauffeur on the chess board of Manhattan--in the pursuit of truth and double fare. This month's Twelve contributors slant the POV of fairytale happily's manquées, crash-test dummies, and round food. The cumulative Big City, Little page adds a piece on Amsterdam by Stephen Cvengros.
Through skillful control of tone and diction, Andru Matthews leaves the reader stuttering with his "Princess (Opus no. 3)." Sarah Goodwin tricks herself into tale-telling and our conceits fall where they may in "The Flour Woman's Daughter and the Demon of Renshire." A young Bayou boy most at ease with Nature's austere black and white does a man's garish duty before the world reverts to minimalist comfort in David Ritchie's "Long Night Gone."
Light and fizzy this month: Tim Scannell's hilarious "Psssssssst." Not words, but pixels by the thousands, we offer an essay in images: Patrick Henry paints the Australian Outback.
Ten Mile Meadow: A Conservatory of Land and Language
Reviews Reviewed (TS):
Spin 39 (Auckland, New Zealand)
Stovepipe (Georgetown, KY)
The Sun (Chapel Hill, NC)
Sally Dawidoff, with Philip Levine
I have told a few people over the years, "You're wasting your time." . . . I haven't done that in some years, because it seemed to cause too much pain. And it didn't deter them. They stuck at it. I know one guy who's still writing, and it's still shit.
Series on Series:
The Nye Beach Writers Series (Newport, Oregon) by Leanne Grabel
The wind drives the lateral rain so hard, its droplets are like tiny daggers to the face. Then, all of a sudden, there's a sunset, the sky so orange, you want to make love.
Series/Event Reviews:
6/16-22 Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam by Stephen Cvengros
In "Psalm for Much Later," . . . Vrooman has a carefully worded conversation with God, whom he refers to as "System."
6/1-3 The Lower East Side Festival of the Arts by Pete Dolack
It is no easy task to draw honest laughs from the deadly serious problem of above-the-law New York City police officers shooting and killing young Blacks one after another.
Free Expression:
Legal Forum:
Print Series:
Pending the load of a complete listing, please query regarding availability of monograph reprints of work appearing in June's Vietnam and other issues.
Other Arts:
Theatre: Ensemble Studio's Marathon 2001--Series C,
by Paul Camillus
Just giving us good material is theme enough. Ensemble's one-act festivals still provide unsurpassed production values.
Profile: Catherine Thompson
~ . ~ The magazine is intended to be read in Palatino. ~ . ~